Saturday, January 10, 2009

Starting a blog

Starting a blog--so much to consider. After all, I want a name that is catchy and thoughtful and maybe a little bit cute. BUT it can't be a name anybody else is using. It must be unique. Our lives have become so public that how do I find something unique and unused in such a public world?

So what do I do? I ask! I asked on Facebook. I asked my daughter. I asked my nieces who have great blogs--they are my inspiration. I asked my brother-in-law who has a wicked sense of humor. Everybody has great ideas.

The downside of all the asking is all the answering. HOW DO I DECIDE? Well, obviously I've decided on some sort of name because you're reading this. I can't post to my blog until it is named. Blogspot says so. Blogspot says the first thing I need to do is name my blog. Such an important task and it has to be first!!! I can't choose my template, I can't post a pic, I can't do anything until I've named it!!!

Just think--the first thing somebody sees about my blog is the name. So, after all the worrying and all the asking and all the considering, here is the name of my blog: Leelu's Letters

Now I've become part of the 21st Century. I have a blog! Oh no--what do I write? What pictures do I put up? How do I find the time to write interesting posts? WHAT HAVE I DONE?


Safire said...

So excited to see you here blogging! The tip to having a good blog is to actually write. Doesn't matter what, just say something at least a few times a week. Pictures work just as well. Past memories, great! Dinner ideas, fantastic! (I could use more of those.)

Looking forward to seeing more here. :)

Debi said...

So now you have to explain why you chose LeeLu-D